Čerpacie stanice sú v samotnej svojej podstate environmentálna katastrofa a je jedno, či sa bavíme o Shell, OMV, Slovnaft alebo „BP“. Značka BP si však v mojom rebríčku environmentálnych pokrytcov vyslúžila jednoznačné prvenstvo. Ja osobne by som na benzínke BP nikdy nenechal ani cent.“ Toto som s obľubou vravel mojim študentom na hodinách marketingu, keď sme preberali spoločenskú zodpovednosť firiem. Platilo to až do momentu, keď som sa s kolegom vracal z pracovnej cesty v Poľsku a zasvietila mi kontrolka: prázdna nádrž. Široko ďaleko nebola …
Month: October 2016
Companies cannot afford to miss corporate PR. It can save them when hard times hit
During the crisis years, companies were forced to cut costs and the area first targeted – after sponsorship and charity – was corporate public relations. Sales efforts focused on direct promotion with the spotlight on activation, shopper (POS promotion) and social media campaigns. Corporate reputation management slid down the line into the basement and has not been able to climb back up since. To this day, I meet CEOs who strongly believe that reputation management …