Let’s face it! If we asked 10 people randomly on the street, what Public Relations means, 4 of them would have no idea, 3 would think it’s marketing, 2 would say press relations and maybe one would know the answer. Of course, the general public doesn’t have to be aware of my beloved profession, but I would take an educated guess that the numbers would be somewhat similar if we asked the business community. And …
Tag: brand building
Companies cannot afford to miss corporate PR. It can save them when hard times hit
During the crisis years, companies were forced to cut costs and the area first targeted – after sponsorship and charity – was corporate public relations. Sales efforts focused on direct promotion with the spotlight on activation, shopper (POS promotion) and social media campaigns. Corporate reputation management slid down the line into the basement and has not been able to climb back up since. To this day, I meet CEOs who strongly believe that reputation management …
Týmto chybám sa vyvarujte! 4 najväčšie klišé pri budovaní značky
Téma budovania značky je stále viac aktuálna. Dôvodov je hneď niekoľko. Silná značka má priamy dopad na hodnotu celej firmy, silná značka pomáha v rozhodovacom procese potenciálnych klientov a silná značka dokáže lepšie zápasiť s konkurenciou na trhu. Stačí, ak sa pozrieme na viacero štatistík, čísel a rebríčkov, ktoré pravideľne vyhodnocujú hodnoty značiek a ich hospodárske výsledky. Rebríčkov, ktoré sa tejto problematike venujú, je hneď niekoľko. Azda najznámejším je Forbes- najhodnotnejšie značky sveta. Ten napríklad …